Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world
Welcome to Bible Impart University website, BIU is the actualization of a lofty burning-vision perceived by a dedicated servant of God (Dr Henry Otasowere) for the Academic training and spiritual equipping of the end time saints. The saints must be prepared for the final propagation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will soon come to take over the Government of this world (Rev.11:15)
BIU is non-traditional educational delivering system providing multi-track training for 21st century Christian service that is committed to the time honoured traditions’ of biblical orthodox, yet “tuned to the times” in order to make relevant application of this eternal principles. BIU concept is standard for future training in the field of higher Education for ministry preparation.
The time has come to debunk the cage of religious and denomination bigotry and focus on the Divine mandate which will herald the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is to make the truth of God’s word accessible all over the world through instruction that is academically sound, Education that is fundamentally Biblical and training that is realistically practical. The vision includes both the area of thorough Bible knowledge as well as ministry skills development, on-line campus and off campus (external) degree programs. Because a professional calling is vital part of life, the programs of BIU are varied and always growing, we currently offer Degrees in Biblical studies, theology, Christian Education, mission, Christian counseling, pastoral ministry, Christian media, urban and rural studies, sacred music, and Christian management/Administration, among others.
BIU provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to prepare themselves academically, professionally and spiritually to serve God in the professions to which they have been called. We have thousand from Africa, Europe and United States of America that are serving the Lord as proud BIU graduates and actives students.
I invite you to be part of us. Dr Henry Otasowere
President – Bible Impart University (World wide)
Dr Henry Otasowere
President - Bible Impart University (World wide)
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