Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world


The Doctor of Ministry degree program is designed to assist those in ministry in acquiring a specialty in a specific discipline. The courses in this program are practical and theological in nature rather than theoretical. The concentration of the degree will allow the graduate to have more options in being placed in ministry. Having acquired the normative skills for ministry, recipients of a Doctor of Ministry with concentration can also present themselves as specialists in a field as well as general practitioners.

The Doctor of Ministry in Christian Leadership and Management degree offers the student the opportunity to develop and exercise their leadership and management skills within churches, para-church ministries and Christian non-profit organizations. Students will be guided in creating a custom degree program that will match their needs and interests.

• THE630 Hermeneutics

• BUS710 Managing a Non-Profit Organization

• BUS726 Ministry Development: Vision, Mission, and Strategy

• BUS730 Your Church and the IRS

• BUS735 Essential Team Interaction

• PTH701 Leadership Principles

• PTH808 Conflict Management ELECTIVE COURSES – 6 CREDIT HOURS

• The courses provide the elective portion for your degree. These credits may be earned by selecting any two courses in any department of your choosing.
• If you would like more guidance, feel free to contact Student Affairs for assistance in planning a customized program to meet and fill your needs. DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OR PROJECT – 9 CREDIT HOURS
The Doctor of Ministry Program require every student to work through a 9 credit hour Doctoral Dissertation or Doctoral Project. This course serves as a final project for the Doctor of Ministry Program and integrates all of the previous knowledge and coursework that the student has acquired up to this point.
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