Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world


Bible Impart University Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree program is a research-based degree and is the crown jewel of degree programs offered through Logos University.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree program varies between 24-60 hours in length as described below. Prerequisites for being accepted into the Ph.D. program are any of the following: .

• The applicant must have a Master’s degree in a Biblical/Theological field. • If the Master’s degree is 36 hours or less, the Ph.D program will require an additional 60 hours to complete. .

• If the student has a Master of Theology (Th.M) or Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree, the Ph.D. program will require an additional 36 hours to complete. The Master of Theology (Th.M) degree must be a minimum of 48 hours and the and the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree must be at least 72 hours. • If the Applicant has a Doctor of Ministry degree, the Ph.D. program will require an additional 24 hours .

The following constitutes the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree: .

• PHL501 & PHL601* (required) – 6 hours.

• Dissertation – 12 hours.

• Doctoral Concentration Courses, Seminars, or Directed Research as required – 6-42 hours.

If student has already taken both PHL501 & PHL601, two additional Doctoral Seminars will be taken instead.
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