Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world


Here’s what you need to apply to Bible Impart University

To be considered for admission, all students are required to submit the following to Bible Impart University:

1. Application for Admission, completed in its entirety.

2. Cover letter stating the student’s educational, spiritual goals and any points of special

3. interest that should be considered by the admissions committee.

4. Comprehensive secular and religious resume that includes education, employment, secular and religious seminars attended, church work experience, special training, etc.

5. Completed Life Experience and Advanced Standing forms if applicable.

6. At the time of application, please request official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and institutions. While we can initially accept unofficial copies of transcripts, before graduation, original official transcripts will be required to be sent directly to Bible Impart University. It is best to request those from the relevant institutions at the time the applications package is being assembled.

7. Copies of degrees, awards, certificates, etc.

8. $50.00 non-refundable Application Fee.

9. $25.00 non-refundable Evaluation Fee.

10. 2” x 2” snapshot.
The Admissions Committee of Bible Impart University reviews all applications. Acceptance into any program with Bible Impart University is at the discretion of the Academic Committee and the Office of the President whose decisions are final. In order to be accepted into a program at Bible Impart University, the student must meet the following criteria.

• Students must be committed to the absolute Lordship of Christ, through an ongoing relationship with Him, and by a desire to reach greater maturity in Him, in full obedience to His will. • A copy of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, for entrance into all levels of the graduate programs. • Sealed official transcripts from all previous college-level institutions, sent directly to Bible Impart University. If student is applying for undergraduate studies only, a copy of a high school or GED diploma is to be sent. • Students are to be actively involved in a local church.
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