Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world


1. Training develops or makes the latent potential in us to sprout and throb.
2. Education is a defense because no person can fall below his level of education theological training also maximizes your God given potential in the ministry.
3. Theology is a science: as a science it needs a laboratory with test tubes weighing balances other catalysts and acids tests for experiment as in new psychology.
4. it is investigation and logical: it needs a high sense of reasoning questioning and collective robotic approach to arrive at an end.
5. it is psycho philosophical: therefore it needs a research and scientific approach with mental discipline.
Dr. Rosemary Osamuyi. (Director - Women Affair)
6. Education is a discovery process :discovery brings about recovery ;while recovery will give birth to a vision, vision gives birth to power and power brings about a mission, mission itself gives rise to success and success brings abundance life which Jesus talked about in john 10:10b
7. It is Goe-historical: it needs excavation of past histories and visits to the holy lands; it also retains tradition of the church for future generations.
8. it is Social-political: it needs a knowledge of government and human interaction relationship which is simaqua non to success
9. It is Eco-geological: it talks of agricultural and liquid and solid mineral developments.
10. it is cornerstone of the church foundation Jesus was refereed to as a Rabbi meaning teacher more than a shepherd (pastor) as a teacher he taught his disciples before they graduates and place in five-fold ministry, so theological teacher is the father of the pastors. So Invariably theological education is more important than church administration since it is the bedrock of church foundation why? Every Pastor Prophet Evangelist and Apostles was taught by the teacher so it is high time we recognized the importance of the teaching prophets hence the need for balanced theological Education / training cannot be over emphasized. So have a divine and professional respect and recognition for theological educationists, if we have to priorities things rightly as our master Jesus Christ.
11. its is Pneuma –revolutionary: it is Holy Spirit oriented and the hallmark of Divine capability and achievement so that there is Divine release of the anointing for the ;21st century through balanced Educations
12. it is God-centered: the hallmark and zero point is God and it should be dentally pinpointed and strategize, God himself is a teacher job 36:22 and the first ever teacher.
13. its lingual-academic: it needs the sound study of language e.g. English and French as our lingua franca and Hebrew and Greek for your hermeaunatics and homiletics, as a pastor you should development your communication semantics as you preach you are teaching so realize the fact that as you teaches you are an academics and preaching encloses a lot of academic work in order to evoke the interest of your numerous and diversified audience
14. it is socio-Economic : it deals with human relation or rather public relations even with God and talks about how to be promoted and be wealthy for a buoyant economic enhancement. So, Theology can feed you and your family.
15. it is a profession like law and Medicine: if you believe it and as it is true we should study theology as we approach other secular disciplines. After all, Theology is better recognized than other professions. It is psycho-pneuma somatic: it deals with the total man unlike other disciplines.
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