Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world

Master’s Degree Programs

Admission Requirements

_ Agree with tenants of Faith and have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

_ Student must have earned a Bachelor’s degree with the prerequisite requirements for Master’s Degree selected.

_ Complete Application & Registration Form. _ Submit records of all previous college level work completed.

Students may request acceptance of transfer credit from an accredited school or its equivalent. Determination of acceptance will be made by Registrar and approved by Academic Dean. Students may request assessment of lifetime learning/professional experience. Academic Dean and the Assessment Committee will make the determination and assessment of advanced standing or assessment.

Students may elect to receive a letter grade such as (A – C), or may elect to receive credit (CR). All Master’s Degree program students must complete required units indicated by the Major of their choice. A minimum of 24 Units must be completed at BIU or BIU affiliate center.
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