Our aim is to equip the whole man with the whole gospel for the whole world

When to start as a student

Diploma Program
Bible Impart University starts a new semester and receives new intake of students every January and every July. You can email the office for the exact date and time you want to come, but registration of students and resumption of classes is usually between the 16th and 23rd of January and July every year
You may enroll as a new student either in January or July of any year. Bible Impart University runs a two-year rotating program for the full time students and a three-year rotating program for the part time students. Time is allowed for new students to enroll. For a January semester, a new student may be given until mid-March to enroll. For the July semester the student is given until mid-September at the latest. This is allowed in case a student has trouble making arrangements for their first semester. Lateness is to be avoided as much as possible because it will affect your academic performance for that semester and may affect your eventual graduation status. After the student’s first semester, late resumption for subsequent semesters is not permitted. The attendance for all subsequent semesters will be marked from the first day of the college’s resumption. Students who return to the school late will be marked absent and will fail to receive credit for that semester.
If you miss a subsequent semester after enrolling, or fail a semester for any reason, it may be necessary for you to wait two, or three years, for the rotation of the semester in question, for you to re-enroll and complete successfully.

Degree Program
The Degree program also takes in new students every January and July. New students will not be accepted late for this program, because of the academic rigour involved.

Other Programs
The Sandwich program resumes every June. New students may resume for this program any June. Contact the office for exact dates before you come. Late application will not be accepted.
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